How AB5 Legislation Affects the Logistics Landscape

In the ever-evolving world of logistics and freight forwarding, staying ahead of legal and regulatory changes is not just prudent—it’s essential. The recent Assembly Bill 5 (AB5) in California has sent ripples across the industry, and it’s crucial for companies like John S. James Co. to understand its implications.

Then-Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, D-San Diego, speaks in July 2019 at a rally in Sacramento for AB5

What is AB5?

AB5, also known as the “gig worker bill,” is legislation that was signed into law in California. It redefines the criteria for classifying workers as independent contractors versus employees. Under AB5, a worker is considered an employee unless the hiring entity demonstrates that the worker meets all three conditions of the “ABC test” to qualify as an independent contractor.

What is ABC Test?

The “ABC test” is a three-part criterion used to determine whether a worker is classified as an employee or an independent contractor, requiring a hiring entity to demonstrate that the worker meets all three of the following conditions to be classified as an independent contractor: 


  • Condition A: The worker is free from the control and direction of the hiring entity in connection with the performance of the work, both under the contract for the performance of the work and in fact.
  • Condition B: The worker performs work that is outside the usual course of the hiring entity’s business.
  • Condition C: The worker is customarily engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, or business of the same nature as the work performed for the hiring entity.


This test places the burden on the employer to prove that a worker is an independent contractor rather than an employee. It’s designed to provide clearer guidelines for worker classification and ensure that workers are afforded the appropriate rights and protections under labor laws. 

Why Does AB5 Matter to Our Industry?

For the logistics sector, particularly companies that are not asset-based and work directly with trucking companies, AB5 presents both challenges and opportunities. As a customs broker and freight forwarder, John S. James Co. relies on a network of trucking companies to move goods efficiently. The reclassification of drivers could lead to shifts in operational costs, capacity, and the competitive landscape.

The Pros and Cons of AB5


  • Enhanced Worker Protections: Employees benefit from minimum wage laws, workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance, and paid sick leave.
  • Level Playing Field: It could create a more standardized industry where all drivers are subject to similar regulations.
  • Health and Safety Improvements: With AB5, companies may be more incentivized to invest in the health and safety training of their workers, leading to a safer working environment.


  • Increased Costs: Reclassification can lead to higher costs for companies due to employee benefits and taxes.
  • Reduced Flexibility: The flexibility of independent contracting could be lost, affecting the ability to meet fluctuating demands.
  • Operational Challenges: Adjusting business models to comply with employee-based structures may be complex and time-consuming.

John S. James Co.: A Legacy of Excellence

Since its inception in 1941, John S. James Co. has been at the forefront of the logistics industry, carving out a reputation for excellence and reliability. From the bustling port city of Savannah, Georgia, the company has grown into a trusted name in customs brokerage, freight forwarding, and comprehensive logistics solutions. With over 80 years of experience, John S. James Co. has honed its expertise to facilitate seamless international trade for shippers worldwide. The company’s dedication to personalized service has not only established it as an industry leader but also as a vital partner for businesses navigating the ever-evolving landscape of global commerce. Through strategic expansion, John S. James Co. now operates across multiple strategically located transportation centers in the southeastern United States, while maintaining a global reach through partnerships and memberships in esteemed logistics networks like the Global Logistics Associates. With a team of over 200 International Customs and Forwarding Specialists, John S. James Co. is committed to upholding the founder’s vision of unparalleled customer service, ensuring that every shipment is handled with the utmost care and professionalism.


Our Commitment to Navigating Change

As AB5 reshapes the logistics industry, John S. James Co. stands ready to guide our clients through these turbulent waters. Our team is well-versed in the nuances of shipping regulations and is equipped to provide strategic solutions that minimize disruptions and optimize supply chains.

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If you’re seeking expert guidance or have any inquiries, please fill out our online contact form below. Our dedicated team is here to assist you every step of the way.

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