Navigating China’s Golden Week: Impact on Shipments and Best Practices for U.S. Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders

China’s Golden Week, a week-long national holiday celebration, is a significant event that can have a profound impact on global trade, particularly for U.S. Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders. Understanding the implications of Golden Week and offering sound advice to customers is crucial for ensuring a smooth flow of shipments between China and the United States during this period.

The Significance of Golden Week

Golden Week is a semi-annual holiday in China, occurring in early October and early May. It encompasses two major holidays: National Day on October 1st and International Labor Day on May 1st. This week-long holiday sees Chinese people taking time off work to celebrate and travel, making it one of the busiest domestic travel seasons in China. As a result, numerous factories, businesses, and government offices temporarily shut down.

Impact on Manufacturing

  1. Factory Closures: Most manufacturing facilities in China close during Golden Week, resulting in production halts. This can lead to delays in the production and shipping of goods, affecting supply chains globally.
  2. Backlog: Prior to Golden Week, factories often rush to complete orders, causing a backlog of shipments. This can result in congestion at ports and longer lead times.

Impact on Shipping

  1. Port Congestion: With factories rushing to ship their goods before the holiday, ports become congested. This congestion can cause delays in unloading and loading cargo, affecting delivery schedules.
  2. Reduced Workforce: The reduced workforce during Golden Week can slow down customs clearance and other logistical processes. Shipping documents may also be delayed.

Industry Staff

  1. Advance Planning: Plan well in advance for shipments that fall around Golden Week. Ensure all documentation and preparations are completed ahead of time.
  2. Communication: Maintain open lines of communication with customers, logistics partners, and shipping lines. Keep everyone informed of potential delays and develop contingency plans.
  3. Resource Allocation: Allocate additional resources to handle potential delays and increased workloads. Have backup plans during the holiday period.

Advising Customers

  1. Order and Shipping Schedule: Advise customers to place orders and arrange shipments well in advance of Golden Week to avoid delays.
  2. Lead Time Extension: Inform customers about potential lead time extensions due to factory closures, port congestion, and reduced workforce.
  3. Contingency Plans: Discuss contingency plans with customers to manage unexpected delays effectively. These may include rerouting shipments, utilizing air freight, or increasing safety stock levels.
  4. Documentation: Stress the importance of timely and accurate documentation submission to prevent customs clearance delays.


China’s Golden Week is a significant event that can disrupt supply chains and impact shipments between China and the United States. By understanding the implications of Golden Week and offering sound advice to employees and customers, U.S. Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders can mitigate potential challenges and ensure the smooth flow of goods during this holiday period. Effective planning, communication, and contingency measures are key to successfully navigating Golden Week and maintaining a reliable supply chain between these two regions.

Feel free to contact John S. James Co. with any questions:

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