The Rising Costs and Delays of Shipping

The Red Sea, one of the world’s most important shipping routes, has been disrupted by a series of attacks from the Houthi rebels in Yemen, who have declared war on Israel in response to its bombardment of Gaza. The attacks have targeted commercial vessels, especially oil tankers and container ships, with drones, missiles, and even hijackings. The situation has escalated in the past week, forcing some of the biggest shipping companies to halt or reroute their traffic, while the US has announced a maritime coalition to defend shipping against the attacks.

How the Red Sea Crisis Impacts Global Trade and Shippers

The Red Sea crisis has put a strain on the already fragile global supply chain, which has been suffering from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the chip shortage, the energy crunch, and the environmental regulations. The Red Sea connects the Suez Canal, the most vital waterway linking Europe and Asia, with the Bab el-Mandeb strait, a narrow passage between Djibouti and Yemen that leads to the Indian Ocean and beyond. About 12% of global trade passes through the Red Sea, including 30% of global container traffic. Any disruption in this route can have significant consequences for the availability and prices of goods and commodities around the world.

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For example, China, the world’s largest exporter and importer, relies heavily on the Red Sea route for its trade with Europe and Africa. According to Reuters, some Chinese businessmen have seen their shipping costs and times double or triple due to the Red Sea crisis. Han Changming, who exports Chinese-made cars to Africa and imports off-road vehicles from Europe, told Reuters that the cost of shipping a container to Europe had surged to roughly $7,000 from $3,000 in December, when the Houthi attacks intensified. “The disruptions have wiped out our already thin profits,” he said, adding that higher shipping-insurance premiums are also taking a toll on his company.

The Red Sea crisis has also affected the oil market, as the region is a major transit point for crude oil and liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the Middle East to Europe and Asia. BP, one of the world’s largest oil and gas companies, has suspended all its shipments through the Red Sea until further notice, citing security concerns. Other oil and gas companies have also raised their insurance premiums or diverted their vessels around the southern tip of Africa, adding extra costs and delays to their operations.

The Implications for the Shippers

The Red Sea crisis poses a serious challenge for the shippers, who are the customers of the shipping companies and the owners of the cargo. The shippers have to deal with the uncertainty and volatility of the shipping market, as well as the potential loss or damage of their goods due to the attacks. The shippers also have to cope with the changing demands and expectations of their own customers, who may be affected by the shortages or price hikes of the products they need or want.

Cape of Good Hope, Africa's southwesternmost spot, and a vital detour to containerships affected by the Red Sea Crisis

The shippers have to make difficult decisions about how to manage their supply chain and logistics in the face of the Red Sea crisis. They have to weigh the trade-offs between speed, cost, and reliability of their shipping options. They have to consider whether to use alternative routes, such as the Cape of Good Hope, which are longer and more expensive, but safer and more stable. They have to evaluate whether to use different modes of transportation, such as air freight, which are faster and more secure, but also more costly and less environmentally friendly. They have to assess whether to adjust their inventory levels, production schedules, and delivery times, to mitigate the risks and impacts of the shipping disruptions.

How John S. James Co. Can Help

In these challenging times, the shippers need a reliable and experienced partner who can help them navigate the complex and dynamic shipping environment. That’s where John S. James Co. comes in. John S. James Co. is a U.S.-based company that provides customs brokerage and freight forwarding services to shippers around the world. John S. James Co. has over 80 years of experience and expertise in the shipping industry, and has a network of agents and partners in more than 100 countries. John S. James Co. offers a range of services, such as customs clearance, cargo insurance, warehousing, distribution, and transportation management, to meet the diverse and specific needs of the shippers.


John S. James Co. can help the shippers cope with the Red Sea crisis by providing them with the best solutions for their shipping needs. John S. James Co. can help the shippers find the most suitable and cost-effective shipping routes and carriers, taking into account the security, speed, and reliability of the service. John S. James Co. can help the shippers protect their cargo from loss or damage, by offering them comprehensive and competitive cargo insurance coverage. John S. James Co. can help the shippers comply with the customs regulations and documentation requirements of the countries they are shipping to or from, by using their extensive knowledge and experience in the field. John S. James Co. can help the shippers optimize their supply chain and logistics, by providing them with real-time tracking and visibility of their shipments, as well as advice and support on how to improve their efficiency and profitability.

John S. James Co. is committed to providing the shippers with the highest quality of service and customer satisfaction. John S. James Co. understands the challenges and opportunities that the shippers face in the global market, and strives to help them achieve their goals and overcome their obstacles. John S. James Co. is more than just a customs broker and freight forwarder, it is a trusted and valued partner for all shippers, no matter how large or small.

If you are a shipper who is looking for a reliable and experienced partner who can help you with your shipping needs, especially in the light of the Red Sea crisis, look no further than John S. James Co. You can find out more about John S. James Co. and its services on our website: You can also contact us by phone, email, or online form, and we will be happy to assist you with any inquiries or requests you may have. John S. James Co. is ready to serve you and help you succeed in the global market.

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